Unlocking the Secrets of Lead Generation with Alex Hormozi's Framework

Unlocking the Secrets of Lead Generation with Alex Hormozi's Framework

In his new book, “$100M Leads: How to Get Strangers to Want to Buy Your Stuff,” Alex Hormozi lays out a simple framework for reaching out to leads.

He explains that there are two types of leads: people who know you (warm audience) and people who don’t know you (cold audience).

Additionally, there are two ways to reach out to your leads: one-to-one (private) or one-to-many (public).

Depending on your relationship status and outreach method, you can determine the best tactics to engage your audience as follows:

  • Warm Audience, Private Outreach: Warm outreach (e.g., emails, phone calls, text messages, direct messages)

  • Warm Audience, Public Outreach: Content posting (e.g., blogs, videos, podcasts, social media posts)

  • Cold Audience, Private Outreach: Cold outreach (e.g., cold calls, cold emails, cold direct messages)

  • Cold Audience, Public Outreach: Paid ads

By using Hormozi's framework, you can better select and optimize your marketing approach for lead generation and conversion.