The 52: Five Components of a Local SEO Strategy: Local Pack

Week 14

Five Components of a Local SEO Strategy: Local Pack

The first area of the five components of a local SEO strategy we discussed last week is the Local Pack. This comprises the three businesses that show up in the map portion at the top of Google search results. To improve your chances of being listed there, here are three non-technical steps you can take:

  • Complete your Google My Business profile as much as possible, including photos.

  • Make sure your name, address, and phone number are consistent across the internet using a service like Yext so Google can verify your location.

  • Get client reviews on Google My Business (RIAs will be able to do this after May 4).

P.S. Does this seem like a lot? Did you know that if you adopted a niche-focused expertise approach, you wouldn’t have to worry about keeping up with the latest local SEO tricks?