Giving AI Credit Where It’s Due

Giving AI Credit Where It’s Due

When using AI-generated content, it’s vital to credit artificial intelligence (AI) transparently and appropriately, just as you would with ghostwritten articles. This practice informs the audience of the collaboration between the writer and AI. Here are some guidelines on when and how to credit AI:

  1. Credit AI when it significantly contributes to the content, such as generating entire articles, sections, or key insights.

  2. To credit AI, include a clear statement in the article’s introduction, conclusion, or as a footnote—for example, “Portions of this article were generated with the assistance of [AI Tool Name].”

  3. Acknowledge collaboration, emphasizing the writer’s role in refining and contextualizing the content—for instance, “This article was created in collaboration between the author and [AI Tool Name].”

Written in collaboration with artificial intelligence (ChatGPT-4). Edited by a human.