Strike the Perfect Balance Between Timely and Evergreen Content

Strike the Perfect Balance Between Timely and Evergreen Content

As a financial advisor, your online presence is important for attracting potential clients and keeping current ones. Crafting the perfect content strategy is essential, and finding the sweet spot between timely and evergreen content is the key.

Timely content is about staying current and connected to events, market changes, or new financial regulations. The perks? Higher engagement, a reputation as a thought leader, and the chance to ride the wave of trending topics. The downsides? Constant updates and a shorter shelf life.

Evergreen content, on the other hand, is like a classic novel—it never goes out of style. It focuses on topics that are always of interest to your audience, like financial planning strategies, retirement planning, or tax tips. This content stays relevant longer and keeps traffic flowing, but it might not spark the same immediate excitement as timely content.

So, what’s the ideal approach? Mix it up! Blend timely and evergreen content by sharing insights on the latest financial happenings while also offering timeless advice. This way, you’ll keep your audience engaged, showcase your know-how, and make your online presence both informative and captivating.

Written in collaboration with artificial intelligence (ChatGPT). Edited by a human.